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  • Outcomes and Measurement Framework
  • Outcomes and Measurement Framework - Baseline Report

The Outcomes and Measurement Framework (OMF) defines national outcomes and the indicators that will be used to measure progress to implement the shifts in Te Aorerekura – the National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence. Shared outcomes will support collective impact. Better measurement and reporting will help us learn what is working to achieve the shifts.   

The OMF will support government and public understanding about progress, to help shape planning and investment.     

There will be annual monitoring reporting for the five-year duration of the second Te Aorerekura Action Plan. This reporting, combined with other data and insights will provide Te Puna Aonui with the evidence required to make informed decisions on the work to deliver Te Aorerekura and make the changes needed to prevent violence, respond to it, and enable healing.   

Outcomes and Measurement Framework [PDF, 1 MB](external link) 

Te Aorerekura Outcomes and Measurement Framework A3 Proactively Released DRAFT [PDF, 1.3 MB](external link) 

The Outcomes and Measurement Framework Baseline Report provides a baseline which Te Puna Aonui can use to assess future progress toward Te Aorerekura, including the impact of the second Te Aorerekura Action Plan. The report also includes a summary of how family violence and sexual violence victimisation prevalence has changed over time. 

Outcomes and Measurement Framework Baseline Report [PDF, 3 MB] 

Outcomes and Measurement Framework Baseline Report - Executive Summary (PDF)  [PDF, 109 KB]

Outcomes and Measurement Framework Baseline Report - Executive Summary (Accessible Version - Word)  [DOCX, 63 KB]

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