The first Action Plan was launched in December 2021 and outlines the first steps in the implementation of Te Aorerekura. The Action Plan set out 40 actions, laying foundations across six system shifts.
This closing report highlights some of our key achievements and reflections from delivering the Action Plan. It discusses the progress we have made and how we can build on this, to ensure that we continue to learn and implement Te Aorerekura as effectively as possible.
A delivery table is included as Appendix 1, and outlines what Te Puna Aonui agencies have delivered under each of the 40 actions. It also provides information on the final status of the actions, as follows:
Complete – All milestones for the action have been delivered.
Ongoing – More work is needed to deliver the action. Work will continue through individual or joint agencies’ work programmes.
The table shows 23 actions complete and 17 ongoing. The second Action Plan will build on actions that have been completed or are still ongoing, recognising that much of this work is enduring in nature.
The closing report for the first Te Aorerekura Action Plan is available here [PDF, 862 KB](external link)
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